Friday, March 17, 2023

Corned Beef vs. Lenten Friday: A Chicago Dilemma

 The dilemma faced by many Catholics in Chicago during Lent. On Fridays during Lent, Catholics are traditionally required to abstain from meat, but this year, St. Patrick's Day also falls on a Friday, which poses a challenge for those who want to celebrate with traditional corned beef.

The Archdiocese of Chicago has issued a dispensation allowing Catholics to eat meat on St. Patrick's Day, but some still feel conflicted about whether or not to partake in the festive meat dish. The article highlights the opinions of various Chicagoans, including a butcher who says that the dispensation has hurt his business, and a woman who plans to honor both traditions by serving corned beef on Thursday and fish on Friday.

The article also discusses the history of the Lenten tradition of abstaining from meat and how it has evolved over time. While some Catholics choose to observe this tradition strictly, others view it as a personal choice and focus more on the spiritual aspect of the season.

Overall, the article provides an interesting look into the intersection of religious traditions and cultural celebrations, and how individuals navigate these conflicting obligations. It shows the complexities of balancing personal beliefs and cultural practices in a diverse society.

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